Other Writings

If you’ve stumbled upon my Other Writings page, welcome! You’re probably wondering what this page is for.

Long story short, I have a lot of pent up creative energy that I generally let out by writing (or at least coming up with ideas for things to write). Normally, the only stuff that makes it to this blog is the gaming and tech related pieces, with the occasional geek culture post thrown in. But I’ve got a lot more that I like to write.

I’ve come to realize that most of this stuff isn’t doing me any good just sitting on my MacBook, or a flash drive, or my Google Drive — so I want to get some of it out into the world so you can read it.

For one reason or another, most of the stuff here may never see the light of day outside of this page…or maybe it will. There’s no telling what the future holds. But for the time being, I invite you to check out what I have to offer. Below you’ll find the writings I’ve chosen to upload along with a little blurb. In addition to each piece, I’ve written an introduction that gives some context and insight into what I’ve written.

The copyrights to all stories posted belong to me and no one may rehost the content without express written permission from myself. If for one reason or another you’d like to get in touch with me in regards to something I’ve written, feel free to email me at ThatJerseyGamer@gmail.com

Happy reading!

Z.E.B.R.A. Force – Issue #01

Writing Type: Comic Script

What’s it About: Set at the beginning of a multi-part comic book miniseries, Z.E.B.R.A. Force #01 follows a group of surgically and genetically modified zebras who join together and rise up to fight and escape from the evil Dr. Parks.

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What Strain Is Kevin On?

Writing Type: Prose

What’s it About: This sample chapter from a work in progress, semi-autobiographical novel follows protagonist John Ryan as he tries to navigate a new job in hospitality after the record store he works at is put under by the digital music industry.

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40 Years of Gaming – Dan Bull – Live Action Fan Script

Writing Type: Script

What’s it About: This is a fan script that I wrote for a live action music video for Dan Bulls amazing song 40 Years of Gaming.

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